Photo shoot: ‘All Abuzz’ theme becomes reality at Larger Than Life Science event

DURHAM –  The theme of LaunchBio’s June Larger Than Life Science event on Thursday night was All Abuzz – and that proved to be an accurate description of the energy in The Chesterfield.
We’ve got lots of photos reflecting the large, diverse crowd where conversation and networking was blended with true business advice and mentoring.

Guests catch up before the first session begins. Eric Waters Photography

Dr. Tom Van Gilder joins James Lawrence of Michael Best to convene a discussion around strategic partnerships, and how entrepreneurs can best get their innovations into the hands of payers, providers and health systems. Eric Waters Photography

A panel of entrepreneurs including Validic CEO Drew Schiller (middle) and 410 Medical CEO Kyle Chenet (right) weighed in with their experience developing strategic partnerships. Eric Waters Photography

The crowd listened with rapt attention. Eric Waters Photography

The second session of the night, led by Sue Back and Matthew

 Cooke of Davis Moore, did a deep dive into the challenges of finding graduation lab space and the growing options for Triangle startups. Entrepreneurs, Dr. Jon Lenn of MedPharm and David Dismuke of StrideBio, weighed in. Eric Waters Photography

In the atrium, Leigh-Kathryn Bonner, CEO of Bee Downtown, shared the concept behind her innovative startup and how it is helping to rebuild the honey bee population through corporate partnerships. Eric Waters Photography

On the topic of bees and buzzing, Honeygirl Meadery hosted an exploratory tasting, giving guests the opportunity to learn how mead is made. Eric Waters Photography

Connie Pearcy and Mike Towny of CREO Inc closed out the evenings programs with an eye-opening session on Data Security. Eric Waters Photography

Larger Than Life Science is taking the month of July off. The fun will resume in August. Eric Waters Photography
Learn more at the LaunchBio website.
Note: LaunchBio is a business partner of WRAL TechWire.