Is it real video or CGI? Epic Games’ Star Wars demo shows gap is closing

CARY – A new demo video from Epic Games shows just how close computer generate imagery, or CGI, is coming to film.

Epic unveiled the video at a major gaming conference. The project utilized Epic’s popular game development engine Unreal.

Here’s Epic’s description:

“Peek into the future of real-time computer graphics with ‘Reflections,’ the first demonstration of real-time raytracing in Unreal Engine 4 using Microsoft’s new DXR framework and NVIDIA RTX technology for Volta GPUs. The Reflections demo illustrates the next-gen experimental lighting and rendering techniques in Unreal Engine, developed in collaboration with NVIDIA and ILMxLAB.”

Raytracing is defined as a rendering technique for generating an image by tracing the path of light as pixels in an image plane and simulating the effects of its encounters with virtual objects,” says Wikipedia.

Here it is: