Survey: Web tech forms the backbone of most app development

Web technology is now the backbone of application development for most companies, according to results of a global survey of web development professionals and companies increasingly view smartphone apps as a long-term solution for critical business processes.

The survey by Sencha, a Houston-based provider of cross-platform application development productivity tools, was conducted by Dimensional Research.

Data visualization is one of the most important capabilities in web application development, the survey showed. More than three-quarters of survey respondents (78 percent) confirmed the need to visualize and analyze complex datasets is expanding.

The research also showed the importance of web applications for businesses of all sizes and industries: 94 percent said web technologies are critical to their organizations, while 79 percent expect to increase web technology investment in the coming year.

In addition, 74 percent believe the criticality of web technologies has increased in the past year, with 44 percent characterizing this evolution as “significantly more critical.”

Web apps a top IT priority

“These results overwhelmingly confirm web applications are here to stay as a top IT priority for modern business,” said Diane Hagglund, founder and principal of Dimensional Research. “As sophisticated, data-intensive web applications continue to proliferate, developers are seeking capabilities that can organize and analyze complex datasets with greater ease and efficiency.”

According to the study, companies increasingly view smartphone apps as a long-term solution for critical business processes, with 41 percent of respondents saying they are absolutely essential, up from 37 percent last year. There has also been a 20 percent increase in the number of mobile apps with an expected lifespan of more than five years.

That said, the desktop apps continue to be the top ranked platform in the category, with 79 percent considering them absolutely essential, a two percent drop from a year ago.

“The results of this survey confirm that web technology is now the backbone of application development for most companies,” said Robert Warmack, director at Sencha. “These apps, distributed across multiple devices and browsers, provide businesses the performance and flexibility they need to meet quickly evolving market realities.”

Summary of key survey findings

·      Web technologies remain critical to business:

·      94 percent say web technologies are critical

·      74 percent believe the criticality of web technologies has increased in the past year

·      79 percent expect to increase investment in web technologies in the coming year

·      39 percent view application complexity as their top challenge

·      Mobile apps are increasing rapidly, but the desktop as a platform remains vital:

·      79 percent say desktop apps are absolutely essential, down from 81 percent last year

·      41 percent say smartphone apps are absolutely essential, up from 37 percent last year

·      There has been a 20 percent increase in the number of smartphone and tablet apps with an expected lifespan of more than five years

·      The need for data visualization continues to grow dramatically:

·      78 percent say the need to visualize and analyze complex datasets is expanding

·      Both D3 and Pivot Grids have seen a 25 percent increase in use within the past year

·      Demand for data visualization is shifting from back-end issues to user-issues