Survey finds most firms’ cybersecurity lacks in IoT world; TechWire event will help prepare you

A new report from consulting firm McKinsey & Company stresses the increasing importance of cybersecurity for corporate networks as the Internet of Things becomes ever-more pervasive. WRAL TechWire’s next Executive Exchange event tackles the issue head-on. Why should you be interested? And what can you do?

Read on.

“The rapid growth in the Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the game. Cybersecurity is more relevant and challenging than ever, and companies need to build capabilities in this area—quickly,” McKinsey reports.

Yet many companies are not prepared.

“Of the IoT-involved experts surveyed, 75 percent say that IoT security is either important or very important, and that its relevance will increase. But only 16 percent say their company is well prepared for the challenge,” McKinsey says.

“The survey also indicated that low preparedness is often linked to insufficient budget allocated to IoT cybersecurity.”

Prepare your firms

“Hackers, malware, ransomware and you:” Protecting you and your company will be the focus of WRAL TechWire’s Executive Exchange event coming up on Sept. 26.

The program will feature a leading cybersecurity executive from IBM who will participate in a one-on-one discussion with The Skinny.

He is Jim Boyles, a Security Architect with IBM Security. Boyles has worked more than 20 years in the IT industry and has spent the last two years in his IBM role.

We also will have two in-depth panel discussions covering private to public sectors, legal to technical challenges.

Tickets are on sale now.

For details about the program, speaker and panelists, check out our earlier story.

Be there – or be vulnerable.