Musk: New spacesuit balances ‘esthetics and function’

SpaceX has unveiled a sleek white spacesuit for astronauts on its crewed flights coming up next year.

“First picture of SpaceX spacesuit,” wrote SpaceX CEO Elon Musk.

The photo was posted at Instagram.

“More in days to follow. Worth noting that this actually works (not a mockup),” he added.

“Already tested to double vacuum pressure.

“Was incredibly hard to balance esthetics and function.

“Easy to do either separately.”

Musk says it’s not him in the new suit, rather a SpaceX engineer.

SpaceX is developing a crew version of its Dragon cargo capsule for NASA astronauts. Boeing is also working to get U.S. astronauts flying again from home soil. Boeing is going blue for spacesuits for its Starliner capsules.

U.S. astronauts last rocketed away from Cape Canaveral, Florida, in 2011. They’ve since been riding Russian rockets to get to the International Space Station.