US 2nd on UN global cybersecurity index

The U.S. came in second on the United Nations International Telecommunications Union Global Cybersecurity index released Wednesday.

The index ranked legal, technical and organizational institutions of nations, their education and research capabilities, and their participation in information sharing networks.

Singapore was number one on the index, followed by the U.S., Malaysia, Oman, Estonia, Mauritius, Australia, Georgia, France and Canada. Russia logged in at 12th.

The UN said Singapore has a long history of cybersecurity initiatives. It launched its first cybersecurity master plan back in 2005. The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore was created in 2015 as a dedicated entity to oversee cybersecurity and the country issued a comprehensive strategy in 2016.

The survey said “”Cybersecurity is an ecosystem where laws, organizations, skills, cooperation and technical implementation need to be in harmony to be most effective.

While one of the strongest indicators of evolving cybersecurity is a strategy describing how the country will prepare and respond to attacks on its digital network, half of the countries surveyed have no national security strategy, the survey revealed. Only 12 percent have one in development.

Here’s something for the Pope to worry about: the Vatican came in at 186 among the 195 nations ranked.

For the full survey, see: UN Cybersecurity Index