Crowdfunding fails, Google search experiment, ransomeware wants referrals

In today’s update of technology news: Not all crowdfunding projects succeed even if they rake in cash; new ransomeware unlocks your computer if you send the link to others; Google testing user ratings of movies and TV.

Crowdfunding projects on platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo have had some remarkable successes – and some projects that crashed and burned.

Among the failures, according to the International Business Times, were:

The Zano Drone, a mini-drone that could fit in the palm of your hand, once Europe’s most successful Kickstarter project, “failed to get off the ground.” Customers complained of numerous problems, not least, getting it to function.

Triton artificial gills, intended to give users underwater breathing ability, which pulled in $900,000 but had to return the money because it actually is not possible by today’s tech.

The “Coolest Cooler,” one of the most successful Kickstarter campaigns of all time, bringing in $13 million, but despite all that cash, the company couldn’t get the product to backers.

For more, see: Crowdfunding fails:

New ransomeware unlocks for a referral

Malware called “Popcorn Time” locks computer files with strong encryption and will unlock it for one bitcoin ($780) or if you share the nasty link with two other people.

If they’re infected and pay up, you get a free decryption key.

The ransomeware locks up docs, pictures, music and desktop folders and many extensions.

For more see the ZDNet story:

Google wants you to rate movies and TV

Look up a movie on Google. Do you see a thumbs up and thumbs down sign? In a search experiment, Google is testing a new feature with some users, asking them to rate films and TV within its search results.

It’s only on the desktop version of Google now. Speculation on what Google could do with the resulting information – such as recommending movies and TV shows or moving some titles up on the search page.

For more, see the story at Search Engine Land: