Tech extravaganza All Things Open opens in Raleigh

All Things Open, a two-day event focusing on the latest developments in technology, opens in Raleigh today. Plus, Wednesday night, the Internet of Things RIoT is hosting an event that it says will feature the largest collection of IoT gadget demos “in the country.”

All Things Open makes a point of addressing “open source” development, and it’s a big draw.

A crowd of well over 2,000 people are expected for the conference, which takes place at the Raleigh Convention Center. The 2015 event drew more than 1,600 people from 36 states and 16 countries.

According to the hosts, All Things Open will draw representatives from “nearly every major technology company in the U.S.” and “decision makers” from around the world.

The conference features keynote addresses, various lectures, tutorials and more.

Participating companies include: Red Hat, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, PayPal, Intel, GitHub, Lucidworks, PTC, IBM, SAS, Mailchimp, Walmart, Optum, The Linux Foundation, Percona, Capital One, Cumulus, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

For a full schedule visit:

For information about the IoT evemt, see: