CED Innovators report: NC Life science investments more than double that of tech

There is life in the Triangle investment scene and much of it goes to the life sciences sector, according to the Council for Entrepreneurial Development’s quarterly Innovator’s report for the second quarter 2016. Life science companies nabbed $288,500,431, while Tech firms drew $125,075,658 in the first half of the year.

Advanced manufacturing investments totaled $5.1 million,while cleantech racked up $6.2 million in equity investments.

In the first half of the year, 57 institutional investors did deals with NC entrepreneurs, with 38 life science, 37 tech, 4 advanced manufacturing/materials deals and 2 in cleantech, amounting to 49 deals for 47 companies.

Hillary Clinton has promised additional federal investment in advanced manufacturing should she become president. It will be interesting to see if that affects this number in the future.

The report lists 13 mergers, acquisitions and buyouts so far this year.
