‘Tis time to celebrate true meaning of Christmas – not work

On a beautiful Christmas morning here in the Triangle, it’s time for everyone who isn’t required to work to savor a day of giving, of joy, of love, and to remember.

So put down your tablet, turn off the phone, shut down the PC, and embrace your family. Love trumps tech every day – but especially today.

All you hard-working entrepreneurs – take a day off!!! Fame and fortune can wait 24 hours. Family and friends can’t.

Well, there are exceptions to the turning off and tuning out.

Before powering down the devices, check your social media accounts and send best wishes to friends.

Link up to let your followers know you care about them.

Send some tweets to those who believe you are worth staying up to date about.

Put your technology to GOOD use.

Then log off for some face time.

The true meaning of Christmas is love, after all, not shopping and presents.

Christmas is not about YOU.

It’s about everyone else.

How can you share love, share gifts, share bounty to those in need?

It’s also about sacrifice. After all, the One who came to save us was born in poverty and died so that we might live.

Did you give to charities this year?

Did you stuff cash in the Red Kettle or just walk on?

Did you help feed a homeless person?

Two members of my family decided to do something different this year. Rather than give each other a major gift they took the money that would have been required and gave it to charity.

Now that’s a thought for Christmas 2016.

Give more, Ask for less.

Remember the true meaning of Christmas.

And log off your PC right now so you can love family while thinking about how you can give more in the year ahead.

With affection and admiration,

The Skinny