Valley loses, Triangle gains: Report cites options for vexed SF startups

Widely read tech publication CNET gives a big shoutout to the Triangle in an in-depth report about alternative destinations other than traditional tech hubs such as San Francisco. Growing “clashes” in the Golden Gate are driving entrepreneurs to pursue alternative destinations, CNET says. And Triangle is one of them.

“Vexed in the city: San Francisco strife spurs tech defectors elsewhere,” the headline reads.

“As clashes mar tech’s epicenter, entrepreneurs find that fleeing San Francisco for up-and-coming startup hubs can offer unique advantages.”

WRAL TechWire Exclusive: Triangle is no longer “South-by-SouthMaybe”

  • Read American Underground’s Adam Klein’s essay based on his invitation to be a panelist at the Southern Governors’ Conference.

The story is part of a series that CNET describes as a ”special report that examines the controversy gripping San Francisco as a massive influx of techies feeds an unprecedented economic boom — and backlash.”

Startups such as Automated Insights and GroundFloor are featured as is The American Underground.

“Companies such as SocialProof, who defect from the primary US tech hubs in Silicon Valley and San Francisco, and to a lesser extent New York and Boston, are more the exception than the rule.” CNET reports. “But as tensions in San Francisco between the tech haves and the resident have-nots erupt in public disputes, entrepreneurs are realizing a lean startup can grow anywhere.”

Other destiations other than RTP are mentioned, including Detroit and Austin.

“Like Austin, Raleigh/Durham has a pool of educated talent, with Duke University, University of North Carolina, and North Carolina State University bringing together 50,000 undergraduate students within 25 miles. All those students are potential employees for startups. The area’s Research Triangle Park, the largest science research park in the country with more than 40,000 full-time employees at giant corporations like IBM and Cisco, churns out employees already polished in business management,” CNET reports.

Check out the entire story online.