WATCH: Raspberry Pi Developer Speaks to N.C. EdTechies, Teachers

The Raspberry Pi computer hit the market in 2012 and became known globally as a simple way for students to learn computer science and programming skills.

The size of a credit card, and with a price tag of $25, the computer born at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. is distributed and promoted by a British nonprofit organization called the Raspberry Pi Foundation. And last night, one of its key developers, Ben Nuttall, visited North Carolina State University on a nationwide tour to talk about the computer and teach educators and education technology enthusiasts how to use it in classrooms.

ExitEvent is pretty excited about anything that helps kids become entrepreneurial thinkers, so we showed up last night to film the event and learn about the computer. Here’s Nuttall’s talk, and an intro by EdTech entrepreneur, Code in the Classroom Meetup founder and ExitEvent contributor Elliott Hauser. (He recently wrote about code education and the new Meetup group here.)

If you have a Raspberry Pi, or are a teacher using it in your classes, please tell us how you like it and what you’ve built using it. Email