Crowdfunding stays alive in revised Senate bill, but …

Crowdfunding in North Carolina as well as additional incentives for economic development are closer to reality today following a late night Thursday at the General Assembly.

Will they become law? The answer remains unknown.

A big bill (House Bill 1224) that includes controversial county sales tax language could be approved either today or Saturday, reports WRAL Capitol Bureau Chief Laura Leslie.

“House Bill 1224 appeared to be dead for the session Thursday morning, but just before midnight Thursday, Senate leaders unveiled a revised version of the plan,” Leslie says.

The Senate approved the revamped bill 32-11 just after midnight. A final vote in the House could send the legislation on to Gov. Pat McCrory.

A new Job Catalyst Fund, which targets manufacturing jobs and favors the state’s lesser affluent counties, and more money for Job Development Investment Grants (JDIG) also are in the bill. 

However, HB 1224 ran into a buzz saw of criticism earlier this week in the House, which voted not to “concur” with the bill, sending it back to the Senate.

How will a revamped bill do in the House this time?

“Unclear,” says WRAL Capitol reporter Mark Binker.

Read more from Leslie online.

The full text of the bill also is available online.