Novartis-GSK deals slide show: How they change Novartis

Drug giants GlaxoSmithKline (NYSE: GSK) and Novartis (NYSE: NVS) each offered investors online presentations that spell out graphically how the deals announced Tuesday will affect each company.

Here’s a look at three key slides from the Novartis presentation:

1. Novartis gains GSK’s oncology portfolio

2. How the deal expands Novartis’s oncology pipeline

3. How Novartis sees the GSK-Novartis over-the-counter product joint venture

GSK operates its U.S. headquarters in RTP.

Novartis operates a huge vaccine plant in Holly Springs. It is not part of the GSK-Novartis vaccine deal.

The entire GSK presentation can be read online.

The entire Novartis presentation can also be read online.

More on the deal:

How the deal impacts GSK: A slide presentation.