Durham software firm OrgSpan being sold, will remain in Bull City

OrgSpan, a three-year-old software firm focused on enterprise social communications solutions with some 40 employees, is being acquired by Indiana-based Interactive Intelligence.

The company, which is owned by the CEO of Interactive, will remain in Durham and says it expects to expand as a result of the deal.

“We want our customers to know that they will continue to get the same high-quality service and support they’ve come to expect,” said Jeff Swartz, who co-founded OrgSpan and is its president. “In fact, we anticipate even greater responsiveness with the additional resources this acquisition provides, plus our customers will get easier access to Interactive’s broad range of contact center, unified communications, and business process automation solutions.”

Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Interactive Intelligence (Nasdaq: ININ) says the deal is expected to close within 30 days.

Swartz is a former developer at Interactive.

Dr. Donald E. Brown, the Interactive Intelligence founder and CEO, is the majority owner of OrgSpan. 

“OrgSpan develops socially relevant communications products that our customers have found valuable and unique,” said Bill Gildea, Interactive Intelligence’s senior vice president of corporate development. “These social customer service components, together with the core cloud architecture that OrgSpan has developed, are important to the foundation of our cloud offerings moving forward.

“Additionally, this acquisition will streamline our development efforts and give us the benefit of OrgSpan’s numerous patent filings and access to its customer and prospect base.”

OrgSpan products generate social profiles based on multiple criteria as well as solutions designed to improve employee collaboration.

Interactive Intelligence says the deal is not to have a “material impact on revenues and other financial results” this year. It employs some 1,800 people worldwide and has more than 6,000 customers.