CED to honor Duke’s Snyderman for life science leadership

Duke University’s Dr. Ralph Snyderman will be presented the 2014 Life Science Leadership award at the CED Life Science Conference next week.

The award recognizes Snyderman’s contribution to the life science industry in North Carolina.

Snyderman, a Duke professor of medicine, served as Chancellor for Health Affairs and Dean of the School of Medicine from 1989 to 2004 while commissioning and overseeing the development of the Duke University Health System. In 1987, he joined and became Vice President of Medical Research and Development for Genentech, a biomedical technology firm in San Francisco, Ca.

His research interests lie in the development of genetic and biochemical techniques for the study of leukocyte activation.

“The fact that Ralph Snyderman has been called ‘the father of personalized medicine’ reflects the pivotal role he has played in this increasingly important field,” said Norris Tolson, president and CEO of the North Carolina Biotechnology Center, a conference co-sponsor. “For this and for his many other contributions to the life sciences in our state, it is fitting that his name be added to those who have led the field and received this award continuously since 2002.”

Snyderman will be presented the award during the closing lunch of the conference on Feb. 27 at the Raleigh Convention Center.

“Dr. Snyderman has been deeply involved in the life science industry in North Carolina,” said Sam Taylor, president of NCBIO. “He understands the importance of the industry in developing drugs and devices that cannot only improve the lives of individuals but the overall quality of health care.”

NCBIO and the Biotech Center are partners in putting on the CED conference.