How does your startup make news? Meet the press at the Underground

(Note: This post has been updated to correct dates.)

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – It’s a cliche but true: Entrepreneurs are always looking for money.

There’s a second cliche that’s just as true: Entrepreneurs are always looking for publicity. Well, the positive kind, anyway.

They want to promote their companies with the hope of attracting investor interest as well as potential customers. (A bit of an ego boost doesn’t hurt, either.)

So how does your company generate some press?

Two upcoming events could help.

The American Underground has set aside two of its weekly “HelpFest” events to introduce startups to two local editors:

  • Laura Baverman, who just took over at ExitEvent
  • And me

On March12 at the new Underground@Raleigh and March 5 at The Underground @Main in Durham, Laura and I will be talking about startups can establish or improve relationships with the media.

“Every Wednesday the AU teams gather for something called HelpFest-started by one of our teams as a way to build relationships with others and the space and solicit help,” says Adam Klein, who runs the Underground operations. “I’d really like to equip our teams with an understanding of how to work with the media.”

Here’s how Klein describes the events:

Working With the Media

“Wondering why your startup isn’t getting mentioned in the media? Not sure how to present your new feature in a way that’s noteworthy? Looking for practical help in how you present your company to the media? Rick Smith and Laura Baverman will offer practical advice and join for a question and answer session to help you understand how to work with the media.”

Sessions beging at 11:45 a.m. and include pizza.

So bring your questions – and your appetite.

Laura is a very experienced and widely published writer who in just a year has made a pretty good impact on covering Triangle technology. She is in the process of expanding ExitEvent (which is owned by The Underground and is part of Capitol Broadcasting, as is WRALTechWire.)

ExitEvent’s focus is clear: Startups.

Just this week, ExitEvent and WRALTechWire launched a content partnership in which each site will be promoting news published by the other. We believe this partnership will help the Triangle’s tech message reach a broader audience.

As for me, I have been writing about tech, life science and business in the Triangle for nearly 20 years.

WRALTechWire also covers startups, but has a broader mission with stories ranging from tech to biotech, from the newest and smallest to the largest companies.

The entire ecosystem, if you will. Why? Well, how many startups are launched by veterans who have left large companies? And how many startups look to established firms to either sell products and services – or be acquired? And as for life science, one of the world’s largest biotech clusters is the Triangle. There’s more to the Triangle that high-tech, Internet, PCs and mobile devices, and software. Many cures for what ails us all are being developed or produced right here.

 However, I want to stress a major point:

Most assignments given to writers who contribute to WRALTechWire are to report about the entrepreneurs who keep infusing the Triangle with the bigger companies of tomorrow.

So if you want some tips on getting publicity from ExitEvent or WRALTechWire and perhaps gain some insight into how to generate headlines elsewhere, contact:

Meredith Burgess, Director of Marketing and Community Development (