Please visit WRALTechWire at Facebook – We hope you will like us

WRALTechWire wants you to “like us.” So we embrace the world of Facebook, especially now will our deeper, more user-friendly design.

From its launch in January 2002, Local Tech Wire as it was known then offered a daily email update that we called “First Edition.”

Recently, we added “PM” headlines as well.

Virtually without fail, every business day promptly at 8 a.m. the recap of the news from the preceding 24 hours hits the in box of a very loyal following. The PM news is delivered promptly at 4 p.m.

With the advent of Twitter, the renamed WRAL Tech Wire began offering a Twitter news feed.

And we have a page at Facebook. This page makes it easier for Facebook users to click the “like” button and find our stories at your leisure.

It’s your choice.

No more waiting until 8 a.m. or even 4 p.m.

No tweets.

You read at your convenience.

Hopefully you will “like us.”