Duke Energy building three solar farms in eastern N.C.

More solar farms are coming to North Carolina.

Duke Energy Rewneables, a business unit of Duke Energy is working with a Mooresville-based construction firm to build solar sites in Halifax, Bertie and Pitt counties. Combined they will produce energy for 6,000 homes, Duke says.

Financial details of the developments were not disclosed.

SunEnergy1 in Mooresville is building the sites.

The projects will create “several hundred jobs during construction,” according to SunEnergy1.

Some 140,000 solar power modules from ReneSola, which is based in China, were selected for each of the projects. 

The three projects will provide 30 megawatts of capacity, Duke says.

The Halifax site, which is located near Scotland Neck, will have a 20-megawatt capacity.

The Bertie site near Windsor and the Pitt site near Bethel will each have a capacity of five megawatts.

Power will be sold through long-term, fixed price contracts, according to Duke.

Duke Energy Renewables operates three other solar farms in eastern North Carolina and six in the western part of the state. Overall, it now has 15 wind farms and 17 solar farms spread across 12 states. They have a capacity of more than 1,700 megawatts.