Venture philanthropy projects vie for $90K grants

Venture philanthropy projects have a chance to win grants of up to $90,000 from the Alliance for Global Good.

The grants are the second round of awards from the Greensboro-based organization, which launched its innovation fund last year. The fund is intended for medium-sized U.S. non-profit organizations addressing global problems.

The AFGG was founded by philanthropist Leonard Kaplan. AFGG grants to non-profits support new ways to generate revenue that are still relevant to each non-profit’s core mission. Grant recipients last year included:

  • Children of God Relief Fund in Kenya, which created a marketing and advertising campaign to support a new lab serving children and their families infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.
  • East Meets West in Vietnam, which addressed a downturn in charitable contributions by creating a fee for service dental center.
  • High Atlas Foundation in Morocco, which obtained organic certification for agricultural products and streamlining the supply chain, increasing revenue to the organization and the local population.
  • Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Democratic Republic of Congo, which uses proceeds from cyber cafes to support scholarships for impoverished children.

Requests for Proposals and the online application are available on the AFGG web site. Proposals, which are due May 31, will be reviewed by an independent panel from the venture capital, philanthropic and academic sectors. Awards will be announced in early fall.

Venture philanthropy will be the focus of the first Southeast Venture Philanthropy Summit in Chapel Hill on April 3 and 4. The event, organized by the North Carolina Biotechnology Center in concert with other biotech centers from the Southeast, is expected to draw some 200 representatives from life science companies and disease foundations to the Friday Center.