Like us? Follow WRAL Tech Wire at Facebook

WRAL Tech Wire wants you to “like us.” So we embrace the world of Facebook.

From its launch in January 2002, Local Tech Wire as it was known then offered a daily email update that we called “First Edition.”

Virtually without fail, every business day promptly at 8 a.m. the recap of the news from the preceding 24 hours hits the in box of a very loyal following. Readers can choose an HTML or text version.

With the advent of Twitter, the renamed WRAL Tech Wire began offering a Twitter news feed. 15 months ago.

Now we’ve created a page at Facebook. This page makes it easier for Facebook users to click the “like” button and find our stories at your leisure.

It’s your choice.

No more waiting until 8 a.m.

No tweets.

You read at your convenience.

Hopefully you will “like us.”