Cyber Monday sizzles to record high, IBM data finds

Cyber Monday needs a new nickname.

Something like Cyber Super Hot Monday or Cyber Sizzle Day.

The numbers are still be crunched by a number of different sources, but IBM’s first report on Cyber Monday through early Tuesday indicates a new online shopping single-day record of more than $1.6 billion.

“Cyber Monday 2012 has come to an end and oh what a shopping day it was!”

So wrote IBM’s Craig Hyman, general manager of Industry Solutions for IBM Software, who tracked the entire Thanksgiving holiday weekend online shopping sprees.

“Online sales soared, reaching a 30 percent increase over 2011 according to the IBM Digital Analytics Benchmark, the industry’s only cloud-based web analytics platform that tracks more than a million e-commerce transactions a day,” Hyman posted in a blog.

“The Benchmark tracked online holiday retail sales throughout Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday.”

Based on 2011 data of $1.25 billion in sales, a 30 percent jump puts 2012 Cyber Monday at  just north of $1.6 billion – a jump of some $375 million.

Scot Wingo and his team at Morrisville-based ChannelAdvisor have yet to weigh in on Monday’s totals. But in a mid-day update Monday, the global ecommerce services firm was tracking what it predicted would be a record.

IBM data shows the average purchase was $185.12.

Shopping peaked at 11:25 a.m. (Was your boss watching over your shoulder or monitoring your online activity at work?)

Department sales jumped a whopping 43.1 percent, IBM says,

That increase smoked a 25.3 percent jump in apparel sales and a 26.8 percent surge in home goods.

As IBM, ChannelAdvisor and other sources documented over the weekend, sales made through use of mobile devices continued to grow, accounting for 12.9 percent of all sales.

Most (58.1 percent) transactions were made by smartphone, but tablets (41.9 percent) show increasing importance as a shopping device.

Apple iPads dominated among tablets at 90.5 percent.