Time Warner Cable offers DVR service for entire homes

Time Warner Cable is rolling out a new DVR service that it says will enable customers to watch recorded video programming from any connected TV in a residence.

The service costs $19.99 per month and may require additional equipment as well as more fees.

The new technology enables DVRs and set-top boxes to be networked in a home. The system also has a capacity of 75 hours storage for high-definition nprogramming.

“Whole House DVR offers our customers flexibility, convenience and enhanced accessibility to recorded programming throughout their homes,” said Mike Munley, president of residential services for Time Warner Cable’s East Region, in a statement. “Time Warner Cable customers now have the ability to watch programs in any room and can start a program in one room and finish watching in another room, without having to restart the program.”

The service is available in the Carolinas as well as other locations along the East Coast.

For a YouTube video about the service, watch here.

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