Lulu Brings Report on Iraqi Prisoner Abuse to Public in Book, eBook Form

Want to read more about the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at a Baghdad prisoner by U.S. guards?

The still-unfolding scandal is available in book form — both bound ($10.95) and as a eBook (free) — from

The provider of electronic publishing services announced Wednesday that it had compiled a paperback book about the scandal by including two documents.

The first is a report written by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba, who investigated the incidents. The report was classified as secret when written but was later leaked to the press.

Lulu goes a step farther, including a copy of the Geneva Convention that addresses how prisoners of war are supposed to be treated.

“The self-publishing industry reduced the time to market for a book to six months from over a year. brings the publishing cycle down to 15 minutes,” says Gart Davis, chief operating officer of Lulu.

Lulu provides publishing services to authors, and authors set their own royalty rates.

Lulu was founded by Bob Young, a co-founder of Red Hat and a strong advocate of open source software.

For information about the book, see: